Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) ABIL Claims, Voluntary Disclosure Submission, Tax Assessments & Tax Disputes

Have you incurred a loss of money invested in a failed corporation and plan to submit an Allowable Business Investment Loss (ABIL) claim ?

Do you want to submit a Voluntary Disclosure to CRA with maximum chance of acceptance by CRA ?

Have you received a Notice of tax reassessment from Canada Revenue Agency regarding Corporation Tax Or GST/HST ?

Have you received a Notice by CRA to review your accounting records for a purpose of a compliance check or an audit?

If you have answered a “Yes” to any of the questions above then get in touch with us and we will help you. Our professional experts have years of experience dealing with CRA on ABIL Claims, Voluntary Disclosure, Fighting Tax assessments and dealing Tax disputes with CRA on behalf of our clients.

Get the tax expert involved now. Contact us for a free private & confidential discussion.

Why SAU Consulting & Business Advisory ?

The Only Canadian tax expert group in Canada dealing on a “No Win No Fee Basis”;

Our Canadian TAX Specialists perform a  “FREE of cost”   review of your case to provide you with our feedback;

Except for Voluntary disclosures submission to CRA, Our fee basis is strictly “no win no fee basis” as we believe that a Tax payer  should not refrain to seek professional help amid concerns regarding upfront or ongoing costs without getting the desired results;


No Fee to Pay if we do not win it for you;


Professional and experienced Canadian Tax advisors to defend your right as a Canadian Taxpayer;


91% success rate of getting Tax reassessments reduced or withdrawn and getting Audits finalized with zero dollars pay out to CRA;


Federal income tax & GST/HST are governed by Federal legislations based on Federal laws that are same across entire Canada;


Whether you require assistance of a GST Expert or an Income Tax  Specialist Consultant, rely on Professional Canadian tax experts at SAU Consulting & Business advisors forever;


We can help you with  Allowable Business Investment Loss (ABIL ) claims, submitting a Voluntary disclosure to CRA  for undeclared income, CRA Tax Audits, CRA Tax reassessments & Tax appeals against CRA decisions;

As a professional Canadian tax specialists, we serve clients Canada-wide and assist tax payers regardless of where ever they are located;

Helping return/defend that rightfully belongs to you;

According to a local publication, in 2009 and 2010, the CRA audited almost 375,000 + small and medium businesses and issued notices of assessment requiring the businesses to pay $ 2.1 Billion in Tax, interest and penalties. Regardless of how good you are at managing and developing your business. Any communications from CRA to audit your tax records, to a compliance check or a Notice of Tax (Re)assessment asking you to pay the amount you owe can be very stressful and intimidating and have serious financial implications for small and medium sized businesses.

If you are in any of the above unfortunate situations, it’s in your best interest that you involve a tax specialist like SAU Consulting & Business Advisory Services. Normally a letter from CRA will specify whether they want to perform a simple compliance check or an audit with tax years they wish to review also specified within the letter.

Canadian Tax rules are complex, and the final tax liability greatly depends upon the interpretation of the tax law. This interpretation is very subjective and needs to be supported with the help of historical tax court decisions. CRA auditors are trained to record whatever you tell them either verbally or in writing and this may be used against you later on during the process, even if any such information was a result of an innocent mistake.

Proceeding with Canada Revenue Agency without the tax expert assistance is like accepting a challenge and agreeing to play a game for which you even don’t know the rules. Canada Revenue agency auditors are generally trained to review the businesses from a point of view that business owners owe tax. During the compliance checks, the officers often go on a fishing expedition and try to find something out of the ordinary. Tax auditors are not always correct in their interpretation of the tax rules, but they always sound very convincing leaving a little doubt in tax payer’s mind that they have any further grounds to challenge the decision.

Get in touch   with SAU Consulting & Business Advisory Services because you deserve to be represented by a Tax Expert as Canada Revenue agency (CRA) officers are not always correct; Whether CRA auditors & officers has just knocked at the door or have already Issued a Notice of reassessment, don’t delay and get a tax professional involved ASAP.

The sooner you get a Tax expert involved, the better it is. Playing lotto with CRA officers on your own can be daunting and costly. Call us now as early intervention by an expert can save you a lot of money in non-obligatory pay outs.

Call us now or send us a message and one of our experts will get in touch with you accordingly.